Category Archives: Meinung

Journey – A Very Special Video Game

journey-title-720pVery rarely TrendEngel is suggesting a video game. Journey is one of these exceptions you have to see to believe it. The pioneers that brought you the award-winning PlayStation Network titles flOw & Flower are back with another title that challenges traditional gaming conventions. With Journey, thatgamecompany (TGC) continues its tradition of delivering simple gameplay and accessible controls in a rich interactive environment that invites players to explore and experience emotional chords that are still uncommon in videogames.

An exotic adventure with a more serious tone, Journey presents a unique vision of an online adventure experience. Awakening in an unknown world, the player walks, glides, and flies through a vast and awe-inspiring landscape, while discovering the history of an ancient, mysterious civilization along the way. Journey’s innovative approach to online play encourages players to explore this environment with strangers who cross their path from time to time. By traveling together, they can re-shape the experience — creating authentic moments they will remember and discuss with others.
Look at this Video:

Get Rid of the Asphalt – Plastic Roads are the Future

volkerwessels-plastic-roadAsphalt covers more than 94 percent of the paved streets, but have we gone down the wrong road with our choice of building material? Dutch firm VolkerWessels thinks so and has unveiled plans for roads crafted from recycled plastic, claiming the approach would significantly cut construction and maintenance time, as well as extend their expected lifespan. And the best thing about it: They are made of recycled plastic bottles.
VolkerWessels’ PlasticRoad is only a concept at this stage, but the company is looking for partners to help develop a prototype to test things like how it performs in the wet. The Guardian reports that the Dutch city of Rotterdam is already entertaining the idea of carrying out a trial. Pretty interesting stuff.