Category Archives: Kunst

Hauser & Wirth Somerset – Art Sensation in the Middle of Nowhere

dywxMjkwO2gsNjAwO3MsdW5pZm9ybTtxLDk1O2YsaHdzLzIwMTQvMDkvTmV3R2FyZGVuXzQtNTM4NjQ4LmpwZw==Hauser & Wirth is possibly the most important art gallery there is. Opening an art center in Somerset was a bold move. However, it did pay off. At the end of November 3 new and important exhibitions will open up:
Pipilotti Rist: Stay Stammia Stay
John Chamberlain: Gondolas
Richard Tuttle: FuturedywxMjkwO2gsNjAwO3MsdW5pZm9ybTtxLDk1O2YsaHdzLzIwMTQvMTEvUFJfSFdTX01haW4tZTk4NDE5LmpwZw==

This is there mission statement: Hauser & Wirth Somerset is a pioneering world-class gallery and multi-purpose arts centre, which acts as a destination for experiencing art, architecture and the remarkable Somerset landscape through new and innovative exhibitions of contemporary art. A landscaped garden, designed for the gallery by internationally renowned landscape architect Piet Oudolf, includes a 1.5 acre perennial meadow, which sits behind the gallery buildings.

Spineless – Susan Middleton Brings Us Pure Magic

Spineless_jacket_Final_CX.inddFor a portrait photographer, Susan Middleton has an unusual studio. It’s mobile, for one thing, and it requires the subject to be confined in a small glass box. But the results are gorgeous.Spineless_p6-72 Red-Eye Medusa Polyorchis penicillatus Taxon: cnidarian hydromedusa

In her new book, Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, The Backbone of Life, Middleton gives jellyfish, nudibranchs, and anemones (among many others) the type of photographic treatment usually reserved for sports stars and heads of state. Shot against plain black or white backgrounds, the weird beauty of these creatures—many of them rare species seldom seen by human eyes—really stands out.Spineless_p472

Armchair Gio Ponti – D.270.2 – A Classic Reissued by Molenti & C

h_40794_01And here is the new wide chair with a narrow and foldable seat”. So wrote Gio Ponti in 1970 when describing the launch of a chair that differed from all the others. A chair for conversation, reading a book or watching TV. Minimal overall dimensions, versatile, movable. Light but solid, easy, comfortable and affordable. A chair for everyone, for every occasion, for indoor and outdoor use, for a house that adapts to our needs.
“To sit comfortably, crossing your legs, you need a small seat and lots of backrest, reclining like this”, said Gio Ponti. This is a classic and now it is available again fabricated by our italian friends at Molenti & C