Category Archives: Kunst
Graffiti of the Week – Street art Nr. 173
Elephant – Post Internet Art
Elephant is a quarterly magazine on contemporary art and visual culture. Featuring up-to-the-minute visual material, fresh faces and original voices, the magazine covers and uncovers new trends and talent in contemporary visual culture. The latest issue is dedicated to Post Internet Art.
Seriously, what is Post-Internet Art? Elephant’s summer issue canvasses opinions from Cory Arcangel, Camille Henrot, Mishka Henner and, of course, Bruce Lee, to form 60 pages of glitches, pixels, memes, Google Maps and celebrities on screens. In the issue, we encounter Elmgreen & Dragset in the toilets of London’s Hayward Gallery on the tenth anniversary ofPrada Marfa and much more…
Graffiti of the Week – Street Art Nr. 172
Graffiti of the Week – Street Art Nr. 171
Graffiti of the Week – Street Art Nr 170
Design Seeds – Nature Has The Best Color Paletts
Design Seeds celebrates colors found in nature and the aesthetic of purposeful living. This is more than a bit of fun – this is self help for the fashionistas and style gurus of this world. Nothing is more beautiful and stylish than nature. You have no idea what TrendEngel is talking about? Color palette. What else:
Graffiti of the Week – Street Art Nr. 169
Animal Boxes by Karl Zahn – Cute
Karl Zahn is a freelance product and furniture designer in Greenpoint Brooklyn. His work examines contemporary materials and historical technologies in an attempt to create modern hybrids that are more applicable, beautiful and sustainable.
His designs express a pared down simplicity and stark aesthetic as a blend of modernist hard lines and surfaces with a Danish sensitivity to materials and joinery. Each piece is designed to withstand the passing of trends and foster complex relationships that grow more endearing over time.
The animal boxes are a work of art. You can hide your favorite treasure and have an accessory no one else has.