Category Archives: Gadgets

Zen Advanced – Kickstarter Key Chain

17bce335eb317856e38d27b174978f82_largeThis is a very smart product. Zen Advanced is the creation of the small Australian company Inventek. They have way exceeded their Kickstarter goal – but you can still be part of it for a few days. Check out Zen Advanced on Kickstarter.
6f93f112eb016c0d2a0d7402c894e2c3_largeThe Key chain is all you ever wanted. Smart and useful and well designed. Each Zen Advanced key organiser has one coloured (anodised) aluminium side and one natural finish. As well as looking great they also divide the unit into two distinct sides for easy recognition while the tough lightweight aluminium frame wont rust or corrode.

Vessyl – The Intelligent Cup

Vessyl-Staggered-on-Black-ON-820x420Health-related gadgets are all the rage these days, from smart wristbands to apps that track what you consume.
But a new device from San Francisco-based Mark One, called Vessyl, claims to be able to streamline the process by putting all the technology you need in a cup.
The product can accurately identify your drink, tell you how many calories you are consuming, let you know how hydrated you are, and alert you when it’s time to drink again.

vessyl-cup-designboom07The technology enables the cup to recognise what liquid is poured inside from a catalogue of thousands.
It knows the content and make-up of the drink, and is therefore able to let you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
The cup can then be asked to display a particular set of data to aid you achieve certain goals, such as losing weight or regulating caffeine
The display on the cup only lights up when the cup is tilted, as you would do when you take a drink. The Vessyl will be released soon and costs 159 $. What a cool little gadget.

Polaroid greift Go-Pro an – Die Wiederauferstehung mit dem Cube

2D11048274-c3Wer hätte gedacht, dass man den Namen Polaroid nochmals hören wird. Die genialen Kameramacher haben jetzt einen Frontalangriff auf die Actionkameraleader von Go-Pro vor. Mit dem Polaroid Cube, der in den USA nur 99 Dollar kostet, sind sie deutlich günstiger als Go-Pro und annähernd so gut. Danke Polaroid, dass ihr noch da seit. Das Ding ist nur 124 Gram schwer und sieht klasse aus. Hier ein Test: