All posts by TrendEngel

Hauser & Wirth Somerset – Art Sensation in the Middle of Nowhere

dywxMjkwO2gsNjAwO3MsdW5pZm9ybTtxLDk1O2YsaHdzLzIwMTQvMDkvTmV3R2FyZGVuXzQtNTM4NjQ4LmpwZw==Hauser & Wirth is possibly the most important art gallery there is. Opening an art center in Somerset was a bold move. However, it did pay off. At the end of November 3 new and important exhibitions will open up:
Pipilotti Rist: Stay Stammia Stay
John Chamberlain: Gondolas
Richard Tuttle: FuturedywxMjkwO2gsNjAwO3MsdW5pZm9ybTtxLDk1O2YsaHdzLzIwMTQvMTEvUFJfSFdTX01haW4tZTk4NDE5LmpwZw==

This is there mission statement: Hauser & Wirth Somerset is a pioneering world-class gallery and multi-purpose arts centre, which acts as a destination for experiencing art, architecture and the remarkable Somerset landscape through new and innovative exhibitions of contemporary art. A landscaped garden, designed for the gallery by internationally renowned landscape architect Piet Oudolf, includes a 1.5 acre perennial meadow, which sits behind the gallery buildings.

Le Triangle – Paris Sky Scraper Doomed?

triangle_1861530cThis would be the first sky scraper in paris in over 43 years – but now it looks like it’s not gonna happen. A ballot turned down some technical permission – but will it still happen? Co-architect Jacques Herzog, who along with Pierre de Meuron designed the Tate Modern and Beijing’s Olympic stadium, said its shape would “limit the shadow on neighbours” and it would be highly ecological, using “wind and the sun to produce energy”. Watch this space. The pictures look spectacular.paristriangle

Mark Ronson – Daffodils rocks thanks to Tame Impala

d410a809Mark Ronson’s gearing up to release a new album called Uptown Special in 2015. All indications are that this could be one to watch.

Listening to Daffodils featuring Kevin Parker will tell you why. Monsoon goes psychedelic. For those of you not in the loop, Kevin Parker happens to be the lead singer of Tame Impala. So, if you think you recognize this sound you’re probably not alone.

Louis Vuitton City Guides – Soo good

louis-vuitton-books-the-2015-louis-vuitton-city-guide-collection--Unisex_BW_City_Guides_2014_DI3Since 1998, Louis Vuitton has been sharing its unique perspective through its City Guides. Eagerly awaited every year even by
the world’s most sophisticated travelers, they truly capture the personality of each city explored, offering a hand-picked selection of addresses, delivered with flair and conviction.

Ambiance_Editions_BA-2Six new cities join this latest edition of the collection: Berlin, Istanbul, Milan, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai and Singapore. Entirely revisited, the Paris guide offers quite a few new addresses together with a stroll through the city in the footsteps of Frank Gehry. This isn’t your typical Travel Guide. Great stuff.

Brewdog Punk IPA – The Best India Pale Ale?

Punk-IPA-008India Pale Ale ist THE trend when it comes to beer. Funny what a bit of added hop can do to a beer. This tastes better than anything you might have had before in your life. One little brewery started in 2008 in the UK and called itself Brewdog. They started wit 2 employees and a dog. Now they have almost 300 brew dogs on staff and produce Punk IPA – probably the best widely available IPA in the world. Get one…or two or…

Charli XCX – Gold Coins

Charli_XCX_SuckerDevoted Trendengel readers know all about Charli XCX. Charli XCX wanted to release her  new record for a while but the huge success of Boom Clap changed this plan. Now the second Track of her new Album Sucker (landing in January) is out and it’s called Gold Coins. Solid tack but TrendEngel wants to hear even more. Judge for yourself:

The Imitation Game – Benedict Cumberbatch

MV5BNDkwNTEyMzkzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTAwNzk3MjE@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_Benedict Cumberbatch is possibly the greatest actor we have right now and The Imitation Game is a great great movie about the sad story of how the English mathematician and logician, Alan Turing, helps crack the Enigma code during World War II and how the savior of western civilization was treated after the war had ended.

But definitely funnier is this: